Find Stereo MC's bio, music, credits, awards, streaming links on AllMusic English rap crossover act that achieved major The Brixton Boys are back! Stereo MC's are all set to unleash their latest genre surfing opus, 'Double Bubble onto an unsuspecting world this summer! Featuring full vocal version of recent single Gringo, alongside the electronic stomp of The Here Now, the urban chronicles of City Lights, and epic Black Gold, the album also Artist: Stereo MC's Title: Pictures Album: Double Bubble Year: 2008 Lyrics: I see places I shouldn't have seen I been places I shouldn't have been I turn things baby know what I mean Listen to Double Bubble by Stereo MCs on Deezer. With music streaming on Deezer you can discover more than 53 million tracks, create your own playlists, and share your favourite tracks with your friends. Download FLAC Stereo Mc's Double Bubble 2008 lossless CD, MP3 Double Bubble Licensed to YouTube by Believe Music, [Merlin PIAS (on behalf of Graffiti Recordings); Sony ATV Publishing, BMG Rights Management, Kobalt Music Publishing, ARESA, CD Baby Pro. Louder Than Wars Carl Stanley recently caught up with Rob Birch of Stereo MCs. The result was a fascinating and wideranging interview which covered both. NO CLICHE is left unturned on Double Bubble. An emptiness permeates the Stereo MCs ninth album as stock beat after stock sample seems to yearn for the early Nineties to return, of Ebeneezer Goode. STEREO MCs Nick Hallam 02 October 2008 Major record companies have been ripping off people and artists since Elvis. England's electro masters Stereo MCs shall present their new album Double Bubble live at the Festivalna Hall in Sofia, Bulgaria on November 11, 2008. STEREO MC S Double Bubble (2008) 9 download locations thepiratebay. se Stereo MCs Double Bubble (2008) 2cd [mp3 Audio Music 4 days torlock. com STEREO MC'S Double Bubble (2008) Music 15 hours btscene. cc STEREO MC's Double Bubble (2008) 2cd [mp3 Music 7 days monova. org STEREO MC's Double Bubble (2008) 2cd [mp3 Music 4 days seedpeer. is the 1989 debut album by the Stereo MCs. It was recorded on a shoestring budget with DJ Cesare as drummer and Cath Coffey as backing vocalist. Billboard declared that proved the band capable of wildly imaginative sampling. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service we offer sellers that lets them store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers, and we directly pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products. Stereo MCs er en engelsk alternativ hiphopacid jazzgruppe dannet i 1985. Gruppen blev verdenskendt i 1992 med singlen Connected. Debutalbummet udkom i 1989 og deres seneste album Double Bubble udkom i 2008. This shopping feature will continue to load items. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. Label: Graffiti Recordings Format: CD, Album Country: UK Released: 11 Jul 2008 Genre: Electronic, Hip Hop Style: Breaks Stereo MCs, 1985. Stereo MCs gjorde en mindre comeback 2001 med lten Deep Down and Dirty. 2005 gjorde de comeback nnu en gng med albumet Paradise, och har varit aktiva sedan dess; de slppte nyligen albumet Emperor's Nightingale. Listen to your favorite songs from Double Bubble by Stereo McS Now. Stream adfree with Amazon Music Unlimited on mobile, desktop, and tablet. Remix pressure from us and Rocco Terranova soon come limited edition Stereo Mc's, formed in south London in 1987 inspired by early electronic electro, hip hop and house music. is the 1989 debut album by the Stereo MCs. It was recorded on a shoestring budget with DJ Cesare as drummer and Cath Coffey as backing vocalist. Billboard declared that proved the band capable of wildly imaginative sampling. Connected is the title track and first single from the British group Stereo MCs third studio album, released on 5 October 1992. The song samples Let Me (Let Me Be Your Lover) by Jimmy Bo Horne. Sellers set the item's declared value and must comply with customs declaration laws. Double Bubble Album by Stereo MCs. Get on It The Here Now Karaoke City Lights Gringo (Ragged Ruthless) Pictures Revolution Black Gold Show Your Light Coming Home Human Changing External links Amazon: search for Stereo MCs Double Bubble Last. Connected invites you to Muting the Noise Berlin for an intimate instore session to celebrate the upcoming release 'connected Selected. (born Rob Birch) and DJproducer the Head (Nick Hallam) formed the Gee Street label as a means of promoting their music. Gee Street soon signed a distribution deal with the New Yorkbased 4th Broadway label, and a series of singles followed before Stereo. Stereo Mcs music videos on youtube and vevo, these are the most relevant videos found on the music category on youtube for Stereo Mcs, hear youtube music songs related to Stereo Mcs. Find Stereo MC's discography, albums and singles on AllMusic Black Gold Lyrics: What becomes of a man mistreated So stretchin been their leader Wake up, seen their repeating Looking like rain when their shame were needed For all of my cons A t a distance of 16 years, Stereo MCs' Connected album seems less like an enduring classic than a historical artefact a creased snapshot from the bright, daft summer of Ebeneezer Goode and. Sixteen years after their breakthrough, Connected, Stereo MCs release a new album that's plenty contemporary but unlike comeback records from Portishead and the Verve will struggle to find an. Stereo MCs are a hip hop and alternative dance group formed in 1985 in London, England. The group consists of Rob Birch (vocals), Nick The Head Hallam (turntables, production), and Ian Owen If Rossiter (drums). Allerdings hrt man zu jedem Zeitpunkt die Stereo MCs heraus. Nicht jeder Track ist gleichermaen gelungen, manche verstehen es gar ein wenig zu nerven, aber z. The Here Now, Karaoke, Black Gold und Show Your Light bieten DJs und Tnzern gleichermaen Hot Stuff. The apostrophe seems to have been omitted from their name beginning around 2001. Find a Stereo MCs Double Bubble first pressing or reissue. Complete your Stereo MCs collection. Stereo MCs were a music colossus of the 90s. Hailing from Brixton, they filled dancefloors the world over with their sound that mixed acid house with hiphop and indie. Their first album was released in 1989, and just a year later the single Elevate Your Mind from their second. connected Selected (connected 029) Double Vinyl Pre Order read more Dirtylectroclash: Stereo MCs Double Bubble Nach drei Jahren der StudioAbstinenz meldet sich das Brixtoner Soundkollektiv Stereo MCs endlich wieder zurck. Zwar haben die Jungs und Mdels dieses Jahr schon den LiveMitschnitt Live at the BBC verffentlicht, aber ein. Stereo MC's discography and songs: Music profile for Stereo MC's, formed 1985. Genres: Alternative Dance, UK Hip Hop, Baggy Madchester. Albums include Connected, Help, and Connected. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Die Stereo MCs wurden 1985 in London von dem Snger Rob B. (Birch) und dem DJ Nick The Head Hallam gegrndet. Zur aktuellen Stammbesetzung gehren der Schlagzeuger Owen If und die Sngerinnen Cath Coffey sowie die englische Sngerin Aina Roxx. Find great deals on eBay for Stereo MCs and stereo mcs connected. Remix pressure from us and Rocco Terranova soon come limited edition Metacritic Music Reviews, Double Bubble by Stereo MC's, The sixth studio album for the British electronic trio was produced by TicToc. Overall, Double Bubble is an extremely impressive return for the Stereo MCs. Once again refreshed and triumphant in the production, the Stereo MC's show their light and talent throughout the tracks, and most of all, they really have proved their double of the bubble for the UK hip hop scene. Stereo MCs 2005 en Berln El do en el comienzo, tuvo su estudio de grabacin llamado Gee Street. Durante uno de sus trabajos, decidieron grabar su primer lbum, junto con DJ Cesare y el vocalista Cath Coffey.