Watch videoIf all goes according to wild conjecture, planet Earth and the planet Nibiru are set to collide in the autumn, twin cosmic shooters in a game of apocalyptic marbles. This is a website only for the findings of our Binary Companion. Here you will find Pictures and Videos showing the Planet X and Nibiru system. Planet X versehentlich von der NASA verffentlicht Also es ist noch nicht der Zeitpunkt, wo die NASA hinaus posaunt: Wir haben ihn entdeckt! Aber man bestreitet neuerdings seine Existenz nicht mehr und macht die Menschen, die sich damit befassen nicht mehr lcherlich. Nibiru is Sumerian for 12th Planet From ancient Sumerian texts, there was a description that our creators came from a yet discovered planet that enters our Solar System ever 3, 600 years. The texts said that they were known as the Nephilim, and that they had colonized Earth over 400, 000 years ago. Nibiru plays a role, but only every 3600 years or so. That is when it possibly flips our poles and causes major destruction and changes earthly locations related to seasons and the sun, etc. It is unquestionably catastrophic for Earth. A Planet X Might Actually Exist An artist's concept of Planet 9, sometimes referred to as Planet X. Planet 9 is a hypothesized ninth planet in our solar system. It is not about to kill us all. Nibiru the mythical planet also known as Planet X is said to strike once and for all this coming Saturday, with doomsayers claiming the massive planet will wipe out humanity by either smashing into Earth or making a catastrophic nearmiss. Planet X, or Nibiru, refers to a mythological planet in our solar system that will supposedly crash into Earth and wipe out the human race, however it has been consistently dismissed by Nasa and. The legend of Nibiru, the rogue Planet X, is both intriguing and chilling. From a scientific perspective we now know there are planets on the fringes of our solar system, and they are closer and more numerous than we'd ever imagined. Hypothetical Planet X This is a distant view from Planet Nine back towards the sun. The object is thought to be gaseous, similar to Uranus and Neptune. Nibiru Planet X Visible From California. Best Ever Nibiru planet x update 2018. Best Footage of Two suns caught, warning of end of times. Heres Nibiru is the same thing as Planet X, in the sense that they both refer to prophesied astral bodies that dont exist. In fairness to Russia, RT is notably more skeptical about the theorys. I give you News About Nibiru Planet X. According to the US News World Report, Planet X or Nibiru exists, the article; Shrouded from the suns light, mysteriously tugging at the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, is an unseen force that astronomers suspect may be Planet X a 10th resident of the Earths celestial neighborhood. Last year, the infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS. I have been a Planet X researcher for more than 17 years and I am currently working with a professional physicist who is helping me investigate the Biggest C Planet X Ltd only offers financial products from Barclays Partner Finance. Barclays Partner Finance acts as the lender. Barclays Partner Finance is a trading name of Clydesdale Financial Services Limited a wholly owned subsidiary of Barclays Bank PLC. Because of the Nibiru NASA connection thats been claimed, the space agency put out a statement to say there is no Nibiru or Planet X coming to destroy Earth in 2012. Nibiru, Planet X, Nemesis, The Destroyer, Wormwood, Hercolubus, Comet Typhon. Does it take Nibiru 3, 600 years to complete one orbital journey? As you can imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system would spell big trouble for planet Earth. Claim: NASA has warned of imminent disaster due to the trajectory of another planet that will intersect Earth# 039; s orbit. Some believers in Sitchins theory also refer to Nibiru as Planet X, the name given to a planet that is allegedly located within our solar system but beyond Pluto. Adherents to the returning Planet X hypothesis believe the return of this wandering planet will bring cataclysmic consequences to earth. As you can imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system, as it is claimed for Nibiru, could wreak havoc on the orbits of other planets, disrupt the asteroid belt and spell big trouble for planet Earth. The Sumerians said Earth was really half a planet called Tiamat, which broke up in a collision with Nibiru, [or Planet X. The discovery of new planets has, in the last two hundred years, owed more to the science of mathematics than it has to the design of bigger and better telescopes. Le Meilleur de l'information alternative, socitale et culturelle consacr aux vnements et actualits astrologiques, solaires, cologiques, culturelles, conomiques, politiques, gopolitiques, spirituelles, sotrique, la sant, au bien tre et aux mystres. Nibiru is a supposed rogue planet that is moving about in the solar system, soon to wreak havoc on the earth, supposedly in line with biblical prophecy. Ive discussed Nibiru in two previous articles. In the first article, I traced the origin of the name Nibiru and how the idea came to the forefront of various doomsday scenarios, often associated with biblical prophecy. While Planet X is most frequently mentioned on tabloids and According to some of these forums, like Nibiru Update, the prophecy of Nibiru still exists, despite the lack of an astronomic. Welcome to Nibiru Elenin home of Quality Video and News broadcasting, we strive to bring you the latest and most important News Earth dangers Space happenings and everything Alien ET related UFOs Spaceships, We produce Great Videos to keep you informed and amused, along with some great Information on the Alien takeover of earth which is now in its final throws, Planet X. In this seventh installment of the Planet X Nibiru Has Arrived series, we present observations in March and April 2018 by Philip Sinclair of Somerset, MA and Amber Williamson of Clarksburg, WV. Planet X, Nibiru, Nemesis, the Stellar Cores so dubbed by Dr. Claudia Albers, are helping to break open the unconscious mind. Part of what we are being shown through the prism of Planet X. Nibiru is another name for Planet X, with the Nibiru cataclysm referring to the supposed apocalypse as a result of the mysterious planet. There are a few variants to the theory, but all claim that. Nibiru dwarf Visible near the Sun, or a hidden planet in the outer solar system, or the Suns stellar companion. See it for yourself, comment and rate please! Thank you for tuning into Nibiru Today Planet X Update 2018! Nibiru and Moon clearly visible. On my channel you will find a lot of great news. Nibiru planet X is here, update 16th july 2018Nibiru planet X is here, update 12th july 2018 by Planet X. Play next; Play now; Nibiru planet X is here, update 15th july 2018Nibiru planet X. A highspeed coronal hole solar wind stream arrived at our planet yesterday from a small equatorial coronal hole but it did not produce much activity here on our planet. Planet X (X number 10 in roman numbers) comes from being the 10 th planet (after Pluto), in our Solar System. Planet Nine exPlanet X or 10 (when Pluto was a planet) Planet X also named Nibiru Getting Nearer. Planet X, or Nibiru was discovered in 1983. It was discovered while on its long, 3, 600 year orbit, toward planet Earth. 1 day agoPlanet X: Scientists' 'Goblin' discovery opens door for Nibirubased apocalypse theories Scientists discovered a new object in our solar system that could lead them find the elusive Planet X. 21, 2012, wasn't the end of the world, and here's why. Nibiru the mythical planet also known as Planet X is said to strike once and for all this coming Saturday, with doomsayers claiming the massive planet will wipe out humanity by either smashing into Earth or making a catastrophic nearmiss. Watch videoThe conspiracy theorist had claimed that the mythical Planet X, otherwise known as Nibiru, would cause the end of the world on September 23, 2017. Planet X News, Planet X Research, Planet X Nibiru, Dr. Claudia Albers Physicist, Nasa, Sun Simulator, 2 Suns, Climate Change, Chemtrails. Skip to main content Search This Blog PLANET X NEWS Investigative Research and Worldwide News Subscribe. PLANET X NEWS September 29, 2018 Planet X Nibiru Nibiru Location Incoming Catastrophe Pt. 6 NIBIRU PLANET X UPDATE JUNE 2013 The Dark Star has five minor planets, the sixth planet that is a size of our Earth bears a name Motherland and the last, seventh planet or a space object. A slew of messages and YouTube videos currently being circulated in the conspiracy theory blogosphere claims that a NASA study published in 1988 revealed details about the mysterious Planet XNibiru with an estimated orbital period of more than 1, 000 years. Planet Nibiru, which was referred by the Sumerians as Planet X, was supposedly the 12th planet in our solar system. The true meaning of planet Nibiru is 'Planet of Crossing In the hydrophilic of Sumerians, and Egyptian, they talked about how planet Nibiru had an elliptical orbit than a normal horizontal orbit. The elusive Planet X, or Nibiru, with its unimaginably long 27millionyear orbit, is still only a theory to many. But one astrophysicist believes it spells doom for Earth. Nibirus arrival this month, he says, will bring about a mass extinction of untold proportions. News and commentary on Planet X Nibiru and its effects on Earth and Space. com is your onestop source for all news related to Planet X (Nibiru Nemesis Wormwood Hercolubus), as well as its theorized effects on Earth, our weather, the sun and solar system. The lunar day (or the time from sunrise to sunrise) on the moon is approximately 708 hours. Read More We want to educate everyone on the upcoming pole shift. This will be a time to help others! Many individuals have incorrectly assumed that the goal of being in the earth is to simply reach heaven, find enlightenment, or somehow get out of the earth.